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Showing posts from 2017
I'm back this week with another blog and I am sorry to say that I pranked everyone from my last blog. After I wrote my blog two weeks ago about my Court of Honor, it was rescheduled to last night, December 7, 2017. I was also misinformed from my troop advancement leader about how many merit badges and awards I was receiving. I said last time that I was receiving eight merit badges while I only received four: Citizenship in the Community, Cooking, Graphic Arts, and Small Boat Sailing. I also said that I would be receiving two awards, while in reality it was three: NOA (National Outdoor Awards) Hiking, NOA Camping, and the BSA ATV Course Certification. The only thing I knew about and was awarded was the rank advancement to Life. Coming up next is the Personal Management merit badge for December, but I will have to finish all but one requirement. The one requirement that I will have to finish going forward through the coming months is Requirement 2: Do the following: a.
Hello again, My name is Andrew and I'm in Dr. Swinehart's 5th period World Literature class. Tonight (November 16, 2017) is a big night for me. My troop is holding it's Fall Court of Honor, the ceremony where all of the Scouts receive their awards, merit badges, and rank advancements from summer camp, or whenever they completed them. Tonight is a ridiculously big night for me in particular because I am receiving my Life advancement, eight different merit badges (three of which being Eagle- required), and at least two awards which I did not even know I was getting until my dad told me I completed them earlier this week. At the committee meeting last Thursday, my Scoutmaster told my dad that, "next Thursday is going to be the Andrew Dunkel show." My next Court of Honor is going to be sometime this spring, but I don't think that I will have completed everything for Eagle by then, so I might have to wait until next fall's. Even if I do have to wait until th

New Ideas

Hello again,      My name is Andrew and I'm in Dr. Swinehart's 5th period World Literature class and three weeks ago, I posted saying that for my 20% Time project I would be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for most hot dogs eaten in three minutes. I thought that it would be funny to try, and I didn't really think that it was worthwhile, just something to work up to, complete, and not think about it again. This idea (obviously) was turned down, although not for the reason that I thought. I thought it would be turned down for not being a 'real project', or 'not being worthwhile', but it was turned down when I received a message telling me that, "I cannot approve any action where you may encounter bodily harm." I did not even realize what would happen if I was attempting the record, and something got caught in my throat. I see now that I could pass out or die from lack of oxygen if something like that were to happen.      After recei
Hello, my name is Andrew and for my 20% Time Project for Dr. Swinehart's 5th period class is going to be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for most hot dogs eaten in 3 minutes (the current record is 6 set by Takeru Kobayashi on August 25, 2009). I think that it would be worthwhile because once I beat this record, I believe that I will feel unstoppable. I know that my self-confidence will improve because I know that I will be the best  in the world until anyone tries to take it from me. I also think that the framed record will look great on my wall. I think that some obstacles would be my sports and my lifestyle. In crew, I am an integral part of any boat because I am the coxswain. The coxswain commands the boat, steers, calls the race plan, etc. The coxswain also has to be light enough so that the bow (front) of the boat is not weighed down. As of right now, on October 4th, 2017, I am 110 pounds which is a good weight for me and my job. I should really be more toward