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Hello, my name is Andrew and for my 20% Time Project for Dr. Swinehart's 5th period class is going to be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for most hot dogs eaten in 3 minutes (the current record is 6 set by Takeru Kobayashi on August 25, 2009). I think that it would be worthwhile because once I beat this record, I believe that I will feel unstoppable. I know that my self-confidence will improve because I know that I will be the best in the world until anyone tries to take it from me. I also think that the framed record will look great on my wall.

I think that some obstacles would be my sports and my lifestyle. In crew, I am an integral part of any boat because I am the coxswain. The coxswain commands the boat, steers, calls the race plan, etc. The coxswain also has to be light enough so that the bow (front) of the boat is not weighed down. As of right now, on October 4th, 2017, I am 110 pounds which is a good weight for me and my job. I should really be more towards 120, but it doesn't really matter because I am only fifteen, and still growing. I think that with trying to break a world record, I would have to train to be able to eat more than six hot dogs, and also be able to eat more than six hot dogs in three minutes. With this training, if I don't work it off, then I believe I will start gaining weight, which I don't want or need.

In the future weeks, I am going to be submitting my application, filming the necessary video and completing the requirements for this record.

Thanks for reading!


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